Form Builder > Advanced
Send Email Notification
Learn how to sending email notification on form submission using email triggers in Form Builder.
- how to use the Submission and Thankyou email triggers in Form Builder
Two new options are now available under Webiny’s Form Builder triggers - E-mail - Submission Notification and E-mail - Thank You E-mail. The “E-mail - Submission Notification” trigger sends an email every time a form submission is received. This feature facilitates staying updated when someone submits one of your forms. The “E-mail - Thank You E-mail” trigger sends an email to the user who submitted the form. In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up the Submission and Thankyou email triggers in Form Builder. We will do this in 2 steps:
- Step 1: Setting up E-mail - Submission Notification Trigger
- Step 2: Setting up E-mail - Thank You E-mail Trigger
To follow this tutorial you need to have the form Registration Form in your Webiny instance. If you don’t have it, please follow the Create Form tutorial to create it.
Step 1: Using E-Mail - Submission Notification Trigger
From the Side Menu, click Form Builder > FORMS > Forms.
✔️ The Forms screen opens.
Click the EDIT icon (✏️) on the Registration Form list item in the list of forms.
✔️ The Registration Form screen opens.
✔️ The TRIGGERS tab opens.
Click E-mail - Submission Notification.
✔️ The E-mail - Submission Notification accordion opens.
In the E-mail address textbox, type your email (e.g.
Note: This is the email to which a notification will be sent on every form submission.
Click SAVE.
✔️ The message “Form settings updated successfully.” displays.
✔️ The Forms screen opens with the message “Your form was published successfully!”
Step 2: Using E-Mail - Thank You E-Mail Trigger
Go to the TRIGGERS tab of the form Registration Form.
Click E-mail - Thank You E-mail.
✔️ The E-mail - Thank You E-mail accordion opens.
Note: To utilize this trigger, an e-mail field must be added to your form.
In the Subject textbox, type Thank you for your submission.
In the E-mail content textbox, type the following:
Dear {fields.firstName} {fields.lastName},
We have received your submission. Thank you.
Best regards,
Your Name (e.g. John Doe)
Note: The variable {fields.FIELD_NAME} can be used to display the form submission data, enhancing personalization in your emails.
Click SAVE.
✔️ The message “Form settings updated successfully.” displays.
✔️ The Forms screen opens with the message “Your form was published successfully!”