Security > Essentials
Create a Role
Learn how to create a Role.
- how to create a role
- how to define access permissions for a role
Webiny enables you to add several users with varying access in your application. You can define the access permissions for a specific group of users by creating a Role. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Role with custom access permission to the Headless CMS. We will do this in 2 steps:
- Step 1: Create a Role.
- Step 2: Define access permissions.
As an example, we will create a user role with the following access permissions:
- Permission to view and update a specific content model group.
- Permission to view, create, and update all content models inside the content model group.
- Permission to view, create, and update the content entries inside the content models.
To follow this tutorial, you need to have a content model group named E-commerce in your Webiny instance. If you don’t have it, please follow the Create Content Model Group tutorial to create it.
Step 1: Create a Role
From the Side Menu, click Settings > ACCESS MANAGEMENT > Roles.
Click + NEW ROLE.
✔️ The form to create a new user role opens.
In the Name textbox, type E-Commerce.
In the Slug textbox, type e-commerce.
In the Description textbox, type User role for E-Commerce Managers.
Step 2: Define Access Permissions
Under the Permissions section, in the Content accordion, click All locales.
Under the Permissions section, click Headless CMS.
✔️ The Headless CMS accordion opens.
In the Access Level dropdown, click Custom access.
Under GRAPHQL API TYPES, select all the three checkboxes - Read, Manage, and Preview.
Under the CONTENT MODEL GROUPS section:
a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click Only specific groups.
✔️ A list of content model groups in the current locale appears.
b. Select the E-Commerce checkbox.
c. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.
Under the CONTENT MODELS section:
a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click All models.
b. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.
Under the CONTENT ENTRIES section:
a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click All entries.
b. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.
Under PUBLISHING ACTIONS, select Publish and Unpublish checkboxes.
✔️ The message “Role saved successfully!” displays.