Page Builder > Essentials
Page Revisions
Learn how to publish a specific version of a page, and create a new version of a page by deriving from a previous revision.
- how to create multiple revisions of a page and publish a specific one
- how to create a new page version from a previous revision
In Webiny, each modification made in a page (in the Page Builder) that is published is stored as a separate revision. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create multiple revisions of a page and publish a specific revision. We will also learn how to create a new page version from a previous revision.
We will do this in 4 steps:
- Step 1: Create a new page
- Step 2: Make multiple revisions of a page
- Step 3: Publish a specific revision of a page
- Step 4: Create a new page version from a previous revision
If you are not familiar with how to create a page, please follow the Create Page tutorial.
From the Side Menu, click Page Builder > PAGES > Pages.
✔️ The Pages screen opens.
Add a new page in the Static category.
Update the title of the page to Page Revisions.
Add an empty block to the page.
Add a heading to the block and update its text to Page Revisions.
Update the margin-bottom of the heading to 60px.
Add a paragraph below the heading and update its text to:
In Webiny, multiple revisions of a page can be made.
Publish the page.
Step 2: Make Multiple Revisions of a Page![anchor]()
On the Pages screen, click the Page Revisions list item in the list of pages.
✔️ The PAGE PREVIEW tab opens.
In the PAGE PREVIEW tab, click the EDIT icon (✏️).
✔️ The page editor screen opens.
Update the paragraph text to:
In Webiny, multiple revisions of a page can be made.
A previous revision of a page can also be published.
✔️ The Pages screen opens with the message “Your page was published successfully!“.
Now, following Steps 2 to 4, again update the paragraph text to:
In Webiny, multiple revisions of a page can be made.
A previous revision of a page can also be published.
And, a new version of a page can be made from a previous version.
Publish the changes.
✔️ The Pages screen opens with the message “Your page was published successfully!“.
Step 3: Publish a Specific Revision of a Page![anchor]()
On the Pages screen, click the Page Revisions list item in the list of pages.
✔️ The PAGE PREVIEW tab opens.
Click the REVISIONS tab.
✔️ The PAGE PREVIEW tab opens.
Note: On the REVISIONS tab, all the page’s revisions and their status are visible. A version can have one of the following status:
- Draft: A version of page that is not published yet but can be edited and published.
- Published: A version of page that is published and cannot be edited.
- Locked: A version of page that has been published at least once and now cannot be edited but published.
A publsihed version is locked and remains locked after getting unpublished.
To publish the Page Revisions #2 revision, click the kebab menu icon ( ⁝ ) on it.
✔️ Menu opens with New from current, Publish, Preview, and Delete Revision options.
Click Publish.
✔️ The message “Successfully published revision #2!” displays.
Step 4: Create a New Page Version From a Previous Revision![anchor]()
Open the REVISIONS tab of the Page Revisions page.
To create a new page version from the previous Page Revisions #1 revision, click the kebab menu icon ( ⁝ ) on it.
✔️ Menu opens with New from current, Publish, Preview, and Delete Revision options.
Click New from current.
✔️ The page editor screen opens.
Update the paragraph text from In Webiny, multiple revisions of a page can be made. to:
In Webiny, multiple revisions of a page can be made. A previous revision of a page can also be published. And, a new version of a page can be made from a previous revision.
✔️ The Pages screen opens with the message “Your page was published successfully!“.