• how to create a team

Webiny enables you to define a team for a group of users in your application. You can provide the access of multiple user roles to the group by creating a Team. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Team.


To follow this tutorial, you need to have the E-commerce user role in your Webiny instance. If you don’t have it, please follow the Creation of Role tutorial to create it.

  1. From the Side Menu, click Settings > ACCESS MANAGEMENT > Teams.

  2. Click + NEW TEAM.

    ✔️ The form to create a new team opens.

  3. In the Name textbox, type E-commerce L2 Managers.

  4. In the Slug textbox, type e-commerce-l2-managers.

  5. In the Description textbox, type Team of level-2 E-Commerce Managers.

  6. In the Roles dropdown, select E-Commerce.

    Note: You can select multiple roles in the Roles dropdown.

  7. Click SAVE TEAM

    ✔️ The message “Team saved successfully!” displays.