• how to create a user

Webiny users can access the admin application. You can assign users to specific roles or teams to grant them different levels of permissions and access within the application. In this guide, we will learn how to create a user, and here are additional guides that explain more about Roles and Teams.

  1. From the Side Menu, click Settings > ADMIN USERS > Users

  2. Click + NEW USER.

    ✔️ The New User screen opens.

  3. In the First Name textbox, type new user’s first name (e.g. John).

  4. In the Last Name textbox, type new user’s last name (e.g. Doe).

  5. In the Email textbox, type new user’s email (e.g. johndoe@example.com).

  6. In the Password textbox, type new user’s password.

  7. Click SAVE USER.

    ✔️ The message “User saved successfully.” displays.